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Category: Natural Treatment

Physical Therapy Treatment Apr20th 2024

5 Reasons Physical Therapy May Change Your Life

According to the American Academy of Pain Medicine, almost 100 million people in the United States suffer from chronic pain. So, if you’ve been suffering from chronic pain for three months or longer, you’re not alone. Unfortunately, this means that people’s reliance on prescription pharmaceuticals is increasing all the time. In 2013, doctors in the

Hip & Knee Pain Apr10th 2024

Looking For Relief From Hip & Knee Pain? Your Search Ends With PT

As the cartilage in one’s joints begins to break down with age, the risk of experiencing chronic hip or knee discomfort rises. Anyone can acquire hip or knee discomfort as a result of excessive overuse, unanticipated traumas, or underlying disorders. While surgery may be required to repair specific disorders of the hip or knee, physical

Sciatica Pain Relief Mar20th 2024

3 Signs It’s Time To Visit a Physical Therapist For Sciatica Pain

If you have sciatica, you’re probably already skimming this article looking for answers as to when or if you need to see a physical therapist for treatment. We’ll tell you now: physical therapy can help ease your pain and speed up the recovery process. The sciatic nerve is the longest nerve in the body. It

Physical Therapy Treatment Mar10th 2024

Zoom Through Your Recovery With Pre-Hab!

Do you have a surgical operation scheduled soon? If so, you might be worried about recovery time. Do you have a physically demanding job or sport? You could be anxious about the effects of demanding activities on your joints and muscles. If you identify with any of these scenarios, preventative rehabilitation or “pre-hab” may benefit

Physical Therapy Treatment Feb20th 2024

Shrug Off Shoulder Pain Through Physical Therapy Treatment

Did you know that your shoulders are the most moveable and flexible joints in your body? They’re made up of a variety of muscles, tendons, and bones, and they’re pretty complicated structures! Your shoulders are what allow you to move around and complete many of your responsibilities during the day. They are capable of a

Physical Therapy Treatment Feb10th 2024

Want To Know The Secret To Decreasing Pain And Increasing Energy?

You know how limiting pain can be if you live with it. Fortunately, you can reduce your discomfort while raising your energy levels by making simple lifestyle modifications. When you combine these exercises with your physical therapy treatments, you may help yourself heal from discomfort and achieve the physical goals you’ve set for yourself. Call

Need Help Ditching the Pain Meds? Physical Therapy Can Help! Jan20th 2024

Need Help Ditching the Pain Meds? Physical Therapy Can Help!

When it comes to living with chronic pain, you may think that you’re alone. The mental fatigue of having to deal with it can take a toll on your mind and body and can lead you to believe no one can understand. But millions of individuals live with chronic pain everyday. Whether prescription or over-the-counter,

Decrease Your Pain and Increase Your Energy with Physical Therapy Jan10th 2024

Decrease Your Pain and Increase Your Energy with These 5 Easy Tips

Are you looking for a way to relieve your aches and pains so you can get back to living your life comfortably? If so, our treatment services can greatly benefit you! Lott Physical Therapy can provide you with the tools you need to decrease your pain and increase your energy, so your daily life will

Aug20th 2022

Tired of Medications? Find Relief with Physical Therapy

Pain can put some extreme limits on your life. While medications can provide temporary relief, it doesn’t actually solve the problem of your pain; rather, it merely masks the symptoms. If you have been living with acute or chronic pain and you’re looking for a natural way to successfully treat your symptoms, contact our office

Jul20th 2022

Live Your Life to the Fullest with Physical Therapy Treatments

WebMD states, “Physical therapy is often one of the best choices you can make when you have long-term pain (also called chronic pain) or an injury. It can make you stronger and help you move and feel better.” The mission of any physical therapist is to relieve pain while also increasing function and mobility. Physical